Report from Golden Z Committee 2014-2016
Co-chairs: Tina Kwan, Lily Wu
The Golden Z Club of the Chinese University of Hong Kong continued to work to achieve the goals of Zonta International through services and advocacy.
Regular yearly projects included :
Promotion of goals and objectives of Zonta International and Golden Z Club; and to raise awareness of members of the university on different social issues at the Art Fairs in September
Promotion of International Women’s Day and Zonta Rose Day with posters posted around the campus in March
Care for the aged and deprived children through :
Elderly visits
Children Mentorship Programs for Children of grass-root families
Joint U (with Golden Z Club of HKU) services for children with hearing and speech difficulties
Joint U (with Golden Z Club of HKU) services for ethnic minority children
To work in line with Zonta International’s movement on “Zonta Says No Against Violence”, they participated at our Club’s “Say No-Step Out” press conference in November 2014. Followed with the “Cookies Drive to End Violence Against Women” project to raise fund from selling cookies made by disabled people of iBakery; proceeds raised were donated to Harmony Link to support their services to woman and child victims of domestic violence.
Golden Z members participated at the “Say No-Step Out” Press Conference
Cookies charity sales were held at university campus in March, in December within the 16 Days of Activism, and at our Club’s “Truffles Epicure Charity Dinner” in October.
The project won the third prize of the District Governor’s Outstanding Services Award at the District Conference in Bangkok in September 2015.
To further promote Zonta International’s “Zonta Says No Against Violence” campaign, “Zonta Says No” file folders were distributed to staff and students of the university to raise their awareness of the issue.
On top of their own service projects, they served as helpers at our Club’s fund raising “ Truffles Epicure Charity Dinner”.
They also took part at the joint-clubs Legco Mock Debates.
Joint Clubs Golden Z Mock Debate 2014
Our Golden Z member won the Best Performance and Most Popular awards at Mock Debate 2015
Report from Z Club Committee 2014-2016
Co-chairs: Margaret Chan, Wong Wai Sum
A fruitful biennium of activities at Z Club of Sacred Heart Canossian College
The Z Club at Sacred Heart Canossian College has been very active during the past biennium under the leadership of its Z Club Committee. A range of activities was organized which helped to fulfil the Club’s objective of raising students’ awareness of social issues and providing opportunities for students to experience and take part in social service. One activity was in particular organized around a special theme of Zonta International to combat violence against women : a poster design was held on the theme of “Against Domestic Violence”. Other activities included a visit to a home for the elderly, a “Cupcake Cooking Course” in March 2015 was held to celebrate the International Women’s Day and the National Women’s History Month. The latter event involved not only Club members but also the whole school. Some Club members also took part in a “job shadowing” project, during which they learnt about the actual working world from mentors from Zonta Club NT, in various fields such as law, finance, medicine, among others.
Formation of a new club : Z Club at Heep Yunn School
A new Z Club was formed at Heep Yunn School in 2015 after much planning and discussion with the School. This is the second Z Club sponsored by Zonta NT. An inauguration ceremony was held at the College in October, attended by Area Director Winnie Wong, President of Zonta NT Lilian Lau, and the Co-Chairmen of the Z Club Committee Wong Wai Sum and Margaret Chan. The Principal of Heep Yunn School Mr. Dave Lee and the school officials gave us a very warm welcome at the ceremony.
Upon chartering of the Heep Yunn School Z Club (with a Certificate number of 724) , the President of Zonta International sent a welcome letter to the first Chairman of the Z Club, informing her that her Club is now “part of a special group of 280 Z and Golden Z Clubs in 21 countries around the world”, and encouraging her and her committee members “ to plan, organize, and participate in unique activities designed to meet the needs of your members, your school, and your community.”
The new Z Club launched immediately into activities under the leadership of its first committee and its teacher advisor. A visit to Asia Society Hong Kong Centre was organized in October where students attended an inspiring talk on women’s leadership by Kathleen McCartney, President of Smith College, U.S. Following this a Book Crossing event was held in late November to raise funds for the UN Foundations and the Salvation Army. The Club Committee has also drawn up a plan and a budget for the activities in the coming term.
The Outstanding Z Girl Award
In order to encourage the Z Club members to be more active, Zonta NT has decided to establish the Outstanding Z Girl Award, which would be awarded to Z Club members with commendable contribution in Z Club projects and in social/ community service. A detailed set of criteria will be drawn up by Zonta NT before the award is officially launched.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank the Principal of Sacred Heart Canossian College Sister Veronica and her staff, and the Principal of Heep Yunn School Mr. Dave Lee and his staff for their tremendous support over the past biennium.
Joint Club Activity
Another worthwhile event in the last biennium was the mock Legislative Council debate, an annual event in which all Z Clubs from Hong Kong participate and which takes place at the Legislative Council chambers. The two Z Clubs from Zonta NT (including the newly formed Club at Heep Yunn School) put in an outstanding performance in this year’s debate. Chan Chung Man, Mandy, from Sacred Heart Canossian College won the Most Popular Debater Award as well as the Best Debater award. Chan Sin Ting from Heep Yunn School won the Most Popular Debater award. In the 2015 Mock Debate, Chan Lok Ching from Sacred Heart Canossian College won the Best Debater award.
Report from Golden Z Club Committee 2012-2014
Co-Chairmen: Lily Wu, Tina Kwan
During the past two years, our Golden Z Students have organized various social service projects such as visiting the aged, children mentorship program for South Asian Ethnic children and children from grass-root families. These are on-going projects and they have built up good relationships with the elders and the youth. They also worked with Z Club members of St. Mary Canossian College on social issues and Dialogue in the Dark with Sacred Heart Canossian College.
Our Golden Z members also participated in our activities such as talk by Secretary for Justice Mr. Rimsky Yuan and the Gala Premier. They also took part in the joint activities of Zonta Clubs in Hong Kong like Legco Mock Debate, Volunteer Training Workshop, Leadership Training Camp and Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women. These activities helped them to have a better knowledge of our community on political issues and social welfare.
Golden Z members have helped with preparation work and receptions at the Zonta International District 17 Conference held in Hong Kong. They were also invited to attend workshops at the conference.
Report from Z Club Committee 2012-2014
Co-Chairmen: Pasy Ip, Beatrice Wen
Our Z Club of Sacred Heart Canossian College has been very active during the biennium 2012 – 2014 with thirteen activities being held during the two academic school years. These activities range from simple community services showing their love and care for the elderly by paying visits to nursing homes to participation in seminars involving environmental issues by joining in the Z Carbon Pioneer programme as well as women in public and political life forum. Several career talks given by Zontians were held at school and mentoring programs such as job shadowing were organized for twenty-one F.5 Z girls during Easter which involves not only Zontians’ participation but also some of their firms and colleagues. Bonding between our two clubs has strengthened as a result of all these activities.
Below please find the list of activities held:-
- Law Firm visit to Angela Ho & Associates (18/10/2012)
- Career Talk given by Betty Fu on becoming civil servants (10/12/2012)
- Participation in School’s Fun Fair – Career’z ExplorerZ booth (2/2/2013)
- Lunar New Year Joint School Event Service Project with St. Mary’s Canossian College:
Visited the elderly in Sheng Kung Hui Nursing Home –
- Orientation Day (15/2/2013)
- Service Day (18/2/2013)
- Attending Women in Public and Political Life Forum (20/4/2013)
- Attended the mock Legislative Council Debate (20/4/2013)
- ‘Dialogue in the dark’ activity (11/5/2013)
Z Carbon Pioneer Programme:
- Visited the Zero Carbon Building in HK (5/10/2013)
- Visited Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden (12/10/2013)
- Participated in the Barter Fair (17-19/12/2013)
- Lunar New Year Joint School Service Project with St. Mary’s Canossian College (5, 7 /2/2014)
- Joint School social service projects Famine 10 (17,21/4/2014)
- Left: Group photo taken on the Orientation Day
- Right: Logo designed for the whole project
- Attended the mock legislative council debate (29/3/2014 & 26/4/2014)
- Job shadowing Programme sponsored by Zontians and their firms (16-23/4/2014)
Report from Z Club and Golden Z Club Committee 2010-2012
Co-Chairs: Betty Fu, Pasy Ip, Elizabeth Law, Lily Wu
Under our mentoring and sponsoring, there are two Z Clubs formed, the Sacred Heart Canossian College Z Club and the Yau Tze Tin School Z Club as well as the Golden Z Club of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
As part of the career talks organized for the Z Club members, a visit to Ernst and Young (E & Y) was arranged on 8 November, 2011. A similar talk and visit to PwC was organised for thirty members of the Golden Z Club of CUHK on 13 April 2012. Z Club particpants listened to heart to heart sharings by Agnes Chan and Agnes Tso, Managing Partner and Partner of E & Y and Petrina Tam, Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), our own Zontian; Golden Z Club members were briefed by Petrina Tam, Zontian Elizabeth Law and Mr. Albert Ip. On both occasions they could talk to big brothers and sisters from both firms and toured each accounting firm and learned more about the accounting profession. All Z and Golden Z members found the visits informative and interesting and gave them a better insight of the work of the accounting profession.
A visit to the High Court was organised for 38 Z and Golden Z Club members on 22 May. They were shown a video of the work of the Judiciary. Later, they attended a court hearing. All attendees found the visit interesting as they could see for themselves how a court hearing is conducted in the High Court and learned about the various levels of courts in Hong Kong and their jurisdiction. It also gave them a glimpse of the work of the legal profession.
In addition, the Golden Z Club of CUHK also organized a career talk where our Zontian Betty Chan shared with them the art of Public Relations on 12 February 2012.
On 19 November 2011, four members of the Sacred Heart Canossian College Z Club and three members of the Yau Tze Tin School Z Club took part in a mock Legislative Council (LegCo) debate organized for all the Z Clubs in Hong Kong in collaboration with the LegCo Secretariat. Mock LegCo debates were held for all the Golden Z Clubs on 20 November 2010 and 11 May 2012. Fifteen members of the Golden Z Club of CUHK took part in the debate in 2010 and ten members participated in 2012. By role-playing as legislators and government officials, participants experienced the legislative process in Hong Kong and the work of the LegCo through debating, lobbying and passing of bills. One member from the Golden Z Club of CUHK, Dennis Hui, was awarded the best performer in 2010 and a member of the Sacred Heart Canossian College Z Club won one of the three awards for the best performer in 2011.
To encourage its members to develop a caring heart for the community, the Sacred Heart Canossian College Z Club organized activities for its members to visit the underpriviledged children, the elderly and the Waste Transfer Station in Hong Kong.
With our financial support, the Golden Z Club of CUHK organized many activities during the year, including visiting the homeless, the elderly, a Cambodia Service Trip where they visited an orphanage and a home for children with Aids, a Refugee Run and provided Children Mentorship. They learned and experienced joy through serving together.
Report from Z Club and Golden Z Club Committee 2008-2010
Co-Chairmen : Betty Fu, Pasy Ip, Elizabeth Law
The end of 2008 saw an addition of a Z Club. This brings the number of Z Clubs under our Club’s umbrella to two, namely the Sacred Heart Canossian College Z Club and the TWH Yau Tze Tin Secondary School Z Club.
Shortly after its installation cermemony held on 21 December 2008, the Sacred Heart Canossian College Z Club sprang to action. On 21 Janaury 2009, Z Club members together with their schoolmates, totalling 40, paid a visit to the Asia Women’s League Limited Ho Leung Kit Ting Social Centre for the Elderly. They staged a wide variety of performances including singing, Chinese and Western instrumental playing, speech as well as percussion, bringing joy and laughters to the elderly.
On 28 February 2009, Zontians and members of the two Z Clubs joined hands in a service project by acting as escorts to some new immigrants and under-privileged children in a visit to the Ma Wan Park Noah’s Ark. It proved to be truly a memorable experience to the Z Club members becasue of the huge number of participants invovled.
Apart from service projects, the two Z Club members took part in a mock Legislative Council (LegCo) debate organised for all the Z Club members in Hong Kong on 18 April 2009. They were also given opportunities to tour around the LegCo building and attend a sharing session on the work of the LegCo by Ms Pauline Ng, Secretary General of LegCo. Through the mock debate, Z Club members learn more about the functions of the LegoCo as well as the legislative process in Hong Kong. Due to the positive feedback received, we organised another mock LegCo debate for Z Club members on 17 April 2010.
With the help of the Student Affairs Office of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and through the unrelenting hard work of the Committee and a few undergraduates of the university, the CUHK Golden Z Club which has been dormant for a few years has successfully applied for re-registration with the University Student Union. The incoming Executive Committe of the Golden Z Club was installed on 20 May 2010.
Report from Golden Z and Z Club Activities 2006-2008
Golden Z Club: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Co-Chairman: Monita So Jackie Ma
Z Club : Yau Tze Tin Memorial College, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Co-Chairmen : Karen Wong Queenie Yeung
In November 2006, a mentorship programme for the Golden Z Club was planned. Zontians were enthusiastic in signing up as mentors. As a result, each of the twenty-nine Golden Z mentees was matched with a mentor. Two of the mentees attended our speaker dinner by Mr Gilbert Mo on “Water Crisis in China”.
We sponsored 4 Golden Z and Z members to attend the Zonta International District 17 Area 2 meeting on “The Ways Towards a Smarter Zontian” held at the World Trade Centre on 11 March 2007. Upon our invitation, two Z members attended the Zonta Rose Day dinner at the Police Club on 7 March, 2008.
Report from Z Club and Golden Z Club Committee (2004 – 2006)
Report from Z Club and Golden Z Club Committee
Co-Chairman: Monita So Jackie Ma
Golden Z Club: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Z Club: Wesley College, the Methodist Church of Hong Kong
Yau Tse Tin Memorial College, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Our Golden Z and Z Club members were active in organizing their own social service activities as well as in participating in our Club’s social service projects. They organized a variety of social service functions like visiting the elderly homes, helping some new immigrant students in their English study. With our Club’s sponsorship, Z Club members of the Yau Tse Tin Memorial College organized a study tour to Shanghai. Not only did our Z Club members volunteer in Zonta Club of NT’s Fund Raising Concert, they also participated in the Zonta Club of Hong Kong’s Flag Day. The two Z Club students also helped in our joint community service with the Hong Kong Adventure Corps for the underprivileged children at the High Island.
Our Z Club members continued to participate in the “Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme”, a training programme organized by the Environmental Campaign Committee, the Environmental Protection Department and the Zonta Clubs.
The Z Club members also took part in the workshop on “Legislative Process” at the Legislative Council. Members actively participated in a mock Legislative Council Meeting for the passage of a bill and had a much better understanding of the law making process in Hong Kong.
Report from Z Club and Golden Z Club Committee (2002 – 2004)
Co-chairmen: Janice Choi, Elizabeth Law, Rose Chung
Golden Z Club: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Z Club: The Methodist Church of Hong Kong, Wesley College
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Yau Tze Tin Memorial College
Our Golden Z and Z club members were active in a number of social service activities. They organized activities for the elderly and helped out at community centers. They volunteered in our Fund Raising Green Walk, and social service projects such as Concert for the Elderly and Day Camp Friendship and Harmony.
Z club members continued to participate in the “Environmental Ambassador Scheme”, a training programme organized by the Environmental Campaign Committee, the Environmental Protection Department and the Zonta Clubs.
Z club members also took part in the “Legislative Awareness Workshop” at the Legislative Council Building on 8 May 2004. Members actively participated in a mock Legislative Council meeting for the passing of a bill and had a much better understanding of the law making process in Hong Kong.
We are proud to announce that Chung Miu Yi from Yau Tze Tin Memorial College was the recipient of the 2002-2003 Zonta International District 17 Young Women in Public Affairs Top 20 Award. CHOI, Lok Yi Olivia from Wesley College and LEUNG Kit Ying from Yau Tze Tin Memorial College were awarded the Zonta Club of the New Territories Young Women/Men in Public Affairs Award this year. This award was established four years ago to encourage students to participate in public affairs and to prepare them for their service in the community.
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