Report from Social Service Committee (2010 – 2012)
Co-Chairs: Christine Fang, Patricia Yeung
Support of the Young
Our Club has for many years been providing on-going support to the young through scholarship programmes to various institutes. During the 2010 – 2012 biennium, we sponsored scholarships to students nominated respectively by the Open University and Hong Kong Unison for the ethnic minorities. We also sponsored approximately 1,000 book prizes for several primary schools in the last two years.
Support of the Elderly
Our Club made two contributions to St. James Settlement in the 2010-12 biennium to fund the costs of electrical appliances for installation at the homes of elderly persons with such needs, as well as costs relating to minor home improvement work where required. A significant proportion of the beneficiaries of these programmes are elderly women.
Support of the Handicapped
We also provided continuing financial support to the 24-hour hot-line service of Shek Kip Mei Lutheran Centre for the Blind. Our annual contribution allows the visually impaired to retrieve via the telephone and the web various types of information related to services for the blind as well as entertainment programmes.